Ice Follies / Mikwamiike
February 9 – 20, 2018
Opening – Marathon Beach, February 9 at 5 pm
Aanmitaagzi has once again teamed up with the Near North Mobile Media Lab and White Water Gallery to present Ice Follies 2018. Ice Follies is biennial festival of contemporary and community-engaged art on frozen lake Nipissing. Audiences are invited to engage with works situated off shore from the North Bay waterfront (Marathon Beach) and along the shores of Nipissing First Nation. This year’s theme is Exposing to Strengthen:
The creation of ice roads requires the clearing of snow to expose the ice to the cold. The snow is cleared well beyond the used roadway to ensure safe ice thickness from the center to the edges of the used portion of the ice road. What do we bring to light, allow or expose so a strengthening can occur?
For this year’s Ice Follies, Aanmitaagzi will present a series of installations from their ongoing Serpent People project alongside artists Aylan Couchie, Reece Terris, Chris Kosloski & Andrew Ackerman, and others. For more information, please contact Aanmitaagzi or visit