All My R(el)ations is a multi-disciplinary dance project of gathering, reflecting, and dreaming. This multi-year project will research, develop, and create art in and around relationality and resource capacity. How do we relate to ourselves and each other in times of scarcity? What actions have fractured our relationship to ourselves, each other, and the land? What actions give life to healthy thriving communities?
All My R(el)ations explores ways to re-establish historically rooted ways in which people work well together. The primary participants within this project will be the artists of Aanmitaagzi, the community of Nipissing First Nation / North Bay, and our related communities. This will be a multi-platform project including strategic collaborations, research, development and creation intensives, and site-specific art events culminating in a large-scale multi-disciplinary dance theatre production.
We will be posting more information about this project as it becomes available, so check back soon!